Download Arcanum

Arcanum comes in the form of a distro package that contains the jars and the source code of the library. Please see the License FAQ before downloading.

Package Version Category
Arcanum 1.0.0 Stable Download

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Use Arcanum

Notice that, all the jars files can be found under the jars folder.

System Requirements

JDK 1.6 or above

Arcanum Usage

To use Arcanum, following jars must be included in the classpath:

  1. arcanum_1.0.0-common.jar: Common classes shared among the modules.
  2. arcanum_1.0.0-albegra.jar: Algebra module.
In addition, there are the following modules:
  1. arcanum_1.0.0-pairing.jar: Bilinear maps.
  2. arcanum_1.0.0-mm.jar: Multilinear Maps.
  3. arcanum_1.0.0-lattice.jar: Lattice-Based Cryptography tools.

PBC Wrapper Usage

To use the PBC Wrapper, a shared C library must be compiled and installed properly as shown here.

Then, to use the wrapper, include the following jars:

  1. arcanum_1.0.0-pbc.jar and
  2. jna-3.1.0.jar.

Cryptosystems Usage

To use the cryptosystems provided by Arcanum include the following jars:

  1. arcanum-crypto-1.0.0.jar and
  2. bcprov-jdk16-1.46.